Bowhunting and shooting a bow and arrow has always been the thread that is woven through my life and defines who I am.
I began bowhuntng before I was able to hunt with firearms. In fact, I can hardly remember when I wasn't fascinated with the bow and arrow. I received my first bow, a Bear Red Fox recurve when I was 8, for Christmas. I was completely hooked.
By the time I was in my 50s I was hunting nearly exclusively with bow and arrow. Hunting with a firearm was only something I did when I couldn't take my bow.
I started hunting in the 1960s with what we all now call Traditional bows. Those were the only bows then. I hunted with a compound bow for many years and my first compound was an original Allen.
Then about 6 or 7 years ago my daughter Beka gifted me with a Bear Super Kodiak like the one I had back in the early 1970s. What a special gift. I treasure that bow!
I am the father of 9 children- 4 girls and 5 boys. All were raised bowhuntng. For most of them now, as adults, bowhuntng is a very important part of their lives.